Zvonimir Mrdalo vart ph.d. við University of Aberdeen
Týsdagin 30 oktober vardi Zvonimir Mrdalo ph.d.ritgerð sína í búskaparfrøði við University of Aberdeen. Ritgerðin ber heitið: "A comparison of the Economic Efficiency of the Petroleum Fiscal Systems under Uncertainty: a Monte Carlo Simulation Approach.”
Ritgerðin er fyri størsta partin skrivað, meðan hann hevur arbeitt fulla tíð og hevur hon tí tikið honum 5 ár at skriva. Oljufelagið BP Amoco Faroes, Fiskivinnugransking og Granskingargrunnurin hava umvegis Jarðfeingi stuðlað verkætlanini fíggjarliga.
Í metingarnevndini vóru Subhes Bhattacharyya, professari við Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, The University of Dundee, og Kasim Sola, Dr . og Research Fellow við Aberdeen Centre for Research in Energy Economics and Finance.
Alex G. Kemp, professari og Director of Aberdeen Centre for Research in Energy Economics and Finance, hevur verið høvuðsvegleiðari, meðan Euan Phimister, professari og Programme Director of Aberdeen MSc Petroleum, Energy Economics & Finance hevur verið hjávegleiðari.
Um Zvonimir Mrdalo
Zvonimir Mrdalo er 46 ára gamal, útbúgvin skipsførari frá Maritime College, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Hann kom til Føroya 1989 og arbeiddi tey fyrstu 5 árini á fiskavirkinum Har-Frost í Fuglafirði og sigldi síðani sum fiskimaður við Boðasteini í 5 ár
Í 1998 fór Zvonimir Mrdalo til Aberdeen at lesa. Hann tók MA in Economics Science with First Class Honors frá University of Aberdeen og seinni MSc in Economics Science frá Oxford University.
Síðani lokna útbúgving hevur hann starvast á Hagstovuni og hjá Sp/F 14. Siðani 1. juni 2011 hevur hann starvast sum Economics & Strategic Planning Adviser hjá Atlantic Petroleum.
Les meira um Zvonimir (Zvonko) Mrdalo í Heilagrunninum
Les um verkætlanina, sum er partvís stuðlað úr Granskingargrunninum, í Stuðulsyvirlitinum
Enskur samandráttur av ritgerðini:
The research presented in PhD thesis deals with the challenges of the Petroleum Fiscal Tax with a special emphasis on the taxation policy implemented in two already oil producing countries, the UK and Norway, as well two frontier countries, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. The thesis illustrates the major effects of petroleum taxes and tax incentives on respective governments’ revenues in addition to returns to investors from both a development and exploration point of view. The study is rooted within the literature on taxation of rents from non-renewable resources in general and it contributes to limited literature on the tax aspects and risks taken in the upstream oil industry including more mature territories and virgin territories in particular.
The current study methodology involves substantial Monte Carlo modelling that established stochastic framework and has provided us with empirical evidence that there is a link between the choice of fiscal instruments on both oil companies’ investment decision-making and the host government collection of economic rent. Overall, our research contributes to the current theoretical debate in the economics of natural resources that neglected uncertainty to a degree, which at the same time also provides valuable insights to practitioners.
The research rich palate of empirical outcomes that have accounted for risks being quantifiable at all stages of upstream activity are given by EMV and RNPV@10%, along performing qualitative assessment of main tax instruments from a set of four criteria i) neutrality, ii) progressiveness, iii) risk-sharing and iv) simplicity. The study results with providing the authorities with possible recommendations that might include following;
• Adopt a profit-based system which would secure the stability of the fiscal system, especially in the case of the UK
• Introducing royalties of up to 2% for virgin/prospective areas by allowing E&A and Development 100% first year writing down allowance
• Royalties would be timed out after all E&A and Development costs were recovered, upon which only profit-related scheme would be applicable
• Reducing government risks by lowering or gradually abolishing state participation in Norway and Greenland and giving space to independent oil companies