Nýtt hugtak um føroyskar bókmentir
Bergur Rønne Moberg, ph.d. og post.doc við Københavns Universitet, hevur saman við David Damrosch, professara í komparativum bókmentum, Harvard University, skrivað grein, har eitt nýtt hugtak um føroyskar bókmentir er ført fram: 'Ultraminor Literatures'.
Hugtakið er ført fram í mai útgávuni av tíðarritinum Journal of World Literature 2 (2017). Brill. Hendan útgávan er eitt tema nummar við 8 greinum hjá ymsum bókmentagranskarum um ultrasmáar bókmentir kring um í heiminum. David Damrosch og Bergur Rønne Moberg hava ritstjórnað og skrivað inngangin.
Bergur Rønne Moberg hevur skrivað innleiðandi greinina um føroyskar bókmentir sum ultrasmáar. Hugtakið er ein uppgerð við sera árinamikla hugtakið littérature mineure hjá fronsku filosoffunum Gilles Deleuze og Félix Guattari í teirra bók Kafka: Pour une littérature mineure (1975).
Ein av javnlíkametarunum skrivar um hetta temanr. av Journal of World Literature: "This will be a much cited volume".
Greinin kallast “The Ultraminor to be or Not to be. Deprivation and Compensation Strategies in Faroese Literature”
Enskur samandráttur
The article is divided into three steps: a) the ultraminor size of Faroese literature; b) ultraminor size as a felt and experienced reality of deprivation and c) ultraminor size as a compensation turning deprivation into notions of greatness. Deprivation and compensation pervade all kinds of literary Faroese expressions. Deprivation manifests itself in a broader context as lack of resources within cultural and research institutions, as a weak public sphere, low degree of specialization, and a highly limited market. The focus is on one of the most significant compensation strategies, that is to say: totalization. The article deploys an approach crossing the fields of World Literature, Island Studies, and Place Studies. Faroese literature is at the same time a limited space and a space enlarged by totalizing “litmaps.” The ultraminor aspects of the Faroese archipelago are demonstrated with particular references to the writings of William Heinesen and Gunnar Hoydal.
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