Fleiri áhugaverd útboð innan BIO
Fríggjadagin, 30. november var nýggja arbeiðsætlanin (workprogramme) fyri annað temað í sjeyndu rammuskránni almannakunngjørd. Innan hetta temað er m.a. fiskarrí og matvørugransking. Umsóknarfreistin er 26. februar, 2008.
Øll arbeiðsætlanin kann takast niður her.
Niðanfyri eru lýsingar av trimum útvaldum útboðum (calls), ið snúgva seg um burðardygga framleiðslu og stýring av lívfrøðiligum tilfeingi frá landi, skógi og vatni, sum møguliga eru áhugaverd fyri føroyskar granskarar innan aling og fiskiveiðupolitikk.
KBBE-2008-1-2-03: Assessment and mitigation of the impact of aquaculture on wild populations Call: FP7-KBBE-2008-2B
The objective of this project is to develop methods to assess the impact of aquaculture on wild populations and for the development of mitigation strategies. The impact of aquaculture activities on wild populations is an issue that has raised much concern among the general public. The main perceived risks are often associated with detrimental impacts on wild populations and the ecosystem through ecological interactions, pathogens exchange and interbreeding, posing a threat to the biodiversity. The improvement of aquaculture technology and husbandry practices can reduce the rate of escapees and the potential for transmission of diseases.
Funding scheme: Small collaborative project.
Expected impact: Promote the coexistence of natural and culture populations without losing biodiversity and exchange of diseases in order to ensure further development of aquaculture. Implementation of the aquaculture strategy, environment conservation, biodiversity.
KBBE-2008-1-4-02: Deep sea fisheries management Call: FP7-KBBE-2008-2B
Fisheries have over the last decades expanded into deeper waters, exploiting pristine populations which in many cases already show evidence of a severe decline. The deep sea fisheries also affect the biodiversity in deep sea ecosystems both due to habitat destruction, but also because species which are not targeted by the fishery (both vertebrates and invertebrates) are caught incidentally and discarded. Effective management actions are urgently needed because deep sea ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to exploitation and may be in risk of irreversible damage. The project will design a framework for managing deep sea fisheries on the basis of monitoring of fisheries and stocks, using the data and information currently available. It will also identify gaps in knowledge that severely limit the basis for management decisions and describe what is needed for implementing reliable long-term management schemes. The project will focus on a set of specific cases from which general lessons may be learnt.
Funding scheme: Small collaborative project.
Additional information: This research area is particularly well suited for cooperation with ICPC, and this will be reflected in the evaluation.
Expected impact: The project will provide the basis for management of deep sea fisheries in a phase where reversing negative trends in abundance and impacts on biodiversity is the main objective, and will contribute to establishing a long-term management scheme in accordance with the Common Fisheries Policy.
KBBE-2008-1-4-03: Fisheries management approach based on 'maximum acceptable limits of negative impacts' Call: FP7-KBBE-2008-2B
The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) must increasingly integrate environmental concerns and seek to apply an ecosystem approach. These issues are presently addressed by regulation of the technologies that can be used to fish, by closed areas and by limits on landings. This approach has led to increasingly detailed micromanagement of the fishing technologies with some negative results including high levels of discarding in some fisheries. An alternative approach is instead to manage fisheries in a similar way as is done in some other sectors, i.e. by defining a maximum acceptable negative impact and by then leaving it to those concerned to identify the means to meet such requirements ("results-based management"). As a first step such an approach is initiated in relation to the elimination of discards in European fisheries. The project will review the international experiences with such "results-based management" in relation to environmental impacts of fisheries including discards and investigate the options for management on basis of such principles in Europe. The project will address research questions relating to the performance of "results-based management" in relation to minimising ecological impacts of fisheries, the social Page 22 of 48 and economic outcomes and institutional aspects relating to decision making and implementation. The research will include studies of institutional, legal and technical aspects of such management approaches.
Funding scheme: Small collaborative project.
Expected impact: The project will develop a fundamentally new approach to fisheries management in Europe. The results from this project will find immediate use in the development of the new discards policy in accordance with the Common Fisheries Policy.
Áhugaði verða eggjað at hyggja nærri eftir allari arbeiðsætlanini. Evnini eru býtt í tríggjar bólkar:
- Burðardygg framleiðsla og stýring av lívfrøðiligum tilfeingi frá landi, skógi og vatni.
- Matur, harímillum matur úr sjónum, heilsa og vælvera.
- Lív-vísindi, biotøkni og biokemi til frama fyri burðadyggum (ikki-mat) vørum og framleiðslu.