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Lagt út: 08.03.2010

Fimm lívfrøði Ph.D á SDU kunnu søkjast

Syddansk Universitet (SDU) lýsir eftir umsóknum til fimm Ph.D. verkætlanir innan lívfrøði.

Tað er eitt krav, at tey sum verða sett hava nomið kandidatútbúgving aðrastaðni enn frá SDU. Talan er um fimm verkætlanir innanfyri evnini: Environmental Stress and Aquatic Ecology.

1. Ecophysiological study of microorganisms in aquatic environments using proteomics and related molecular ecology tools in combination with biogeochemical analysis.
2. Impact of environmental stress on nitric oxide homeostasis and branchial ion transport mechanisms in fish.
3. The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish.
4. Freshwater ecology and biogeochemistry in soft-water lakes with focus on nutrient, plant-periphyton interactions and/or processing of ground-water carried nutrients in the littoral zone.
5. Coastal ecology in systems recovering from anthropogenic disturbance with focus on interactions between macrophytes, macrofauna and sediment biogeochemistry.

Umsóknarfreistin er tann 17. mars 2010, kl. 12:00, donsk tíð.

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