Published: 28.10.2003

New statistics on research in the Faroes

The Research Council has decided that new statistics will be made on reseach, development and innovation in the public and private sectors in the Faroes.

The work is arranged as a project. The work began in October 2003 and will be finished by the end of 2004.  Heini Hátún is employed as the leader of the project.  Heini is 32 years old and has a MSc from the London School of Economics. He has also worked in the IT area both abroad and here. The work place for the project is the Statistical Bureau of the Faroe Islands.

As can be seen in othe places on the website the Research Council has made a suggestion for a farsighted and goal orientated research policy for the Faroes. The contents of the Faroese research, development and innovation  are differentiated in the ideal with the research divided into six main sections with specific sub headings. In order to create a research policy foundation to work from it is necessary to make clear how the situation is today with reliable, fully comprehensive and internationally comparable statistics.

The statistics should supply the Research Council and the community as a whole with the necessary factual knowledge and documentation on the research activities in the Faroes. This knowledge must act as a foundation so that the Research Council is better able to supply goal oriented research policy advice about future work in the region. It will also be possible to evaluate the activities which exist at any time in the region with sensible intervals. Emphasis is placed on comparing research, development and innovation in Faroes with corresponding activities abroad. That is why the statistics will be produced according to the international OECD standard for the main areas; research and development and innovation.