Published: 15.11.2012

EURAXESS portal in the Faroe Islands

The Faroese Research Council has been granted almost 120,000 € from FP7 to the establishment of a national EURAXESS service centre and webportal.

The grant is for at 2 year project, starting on 1 january 2013. The Research Council will employ a person part time for the project.

What is EURAXESS? 
"EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion" is a unique web portal providing access to a complete range of information and supportservices for European and non-European researchers wishing to pursue research careers in Europe.

EURAXESS assists researchers in advancing their careers in another European country and supports scientific organisations in their search for outstanding research talent. EURAXESS is a truly pan-European initiative, supported by 38 participating countries across Europe.

It provides a single access point to information across all countries including a network of walk-in centres offering personalized assistance to researchers moving to another country.

EURAXESS is a key initiative in supporting the commitment of the European Union to removing the barriers to free movement of knowledge within Europe, to strengthening cross-border mobility of researchers, students, scientists and academic staff and to providing researchers with better career structures.

There are four key elements to EURAXESS: