
International Fisheries Law Conference 2022

Thursday 23.06.2022, 09:00, Kongshøll, Tórshavn

On 23rd - 25th June 2022 the University of the Faroe Islands will host an International Fisheries Law Conference in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. The conference is a joint event by the University of the Faroe Islands and Law of the Sea Institute of Iceland, and sponsored by UiT The Arctic University of Norway and Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea.

The Conference will focus on challenges that emerge and those that persist in international fisheries law, including IUU related matters, institutional mechanisms in RFMOs, jurisdictional aspects in regard to fisheries disputes, substantive aspects in regard to disputes on the conservation and management of transboundary fish stocks, trade related measures with respect to fisheries resources and fisheries related matters concering BBNJ.

Please visit the conference website for more info on the programme, speakers and registration faroeislandsfisherieslawconference2021.com