Open Science UNESCO
Published: 05.02.2025

Open Science and Open Access

Open Science

The European Commission has adopted an Open Science policy in order to spread knowledge as quickly as possible. The policy of the European Commission can be seen here and here.

Recommendations of UNESCO for Open Science can be seen here.

Open Access

Research Council Faroe Islands has signed the The Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities og announced that it supports the Principles on Open Access to Research Publications of the organization Science Europe.

It is a condition of receiving funds from Research Council Faroe Islands that research projects provide Open Access to the largest possible extent.

Funding from Research Council Faroe Islands for Open Access publications can be applied for here.

Nordic countries have adopted policy on Open Science and Open Access. Read more here:
Denmark - Ministry of Higher Education and Science
Finland - Research Council of Finland
Iceland - RANNÍS
Norway - The Research Council of Norway
Sweden - Swedish Research Council